Making Waves at Madwell


This past weekend while celebrating Memorial Day, I decided to indulge in some guilty pleasure shopping by hitting some shops in Buckhead, Georgia. I found this incredible fringe clutch for only 40$ at Madewell! (if you’ve ever been to Madewell, you’ll know this is a great deal) Upon going in, I headed directly to the sale section because if you haven’t realized by now I’m all about getting the “bang” for my “buck”, and to my surprise they were having a 30% off sale items! So I snagged this cutie bag and the mustard scarf for a steal! Also PSA: If you’re a student you can show your student id at the register and get an extra 15 percent discount off of your purchases!

Ladies, Gentlemen, Sale lovers, broke college kids, this is my advice to you: Never underestimate the sale section of an any store, whether its typically expensive or typically cheap, because sometimes you can find that diamond in the rough; or in my case, some bomb accessories.

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